[horde] A horde messenger Re: horde replacement

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Mar 14 02:44:50 UTC 2012

Quoting Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>:

> Hi,
> ----- Nachricht von Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de> ---------
>   Datum: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 08:35:03 +0100
>     Von: Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>
> Betreff: [horde] A horde messenger Re:  horde replacement
>      An: horde at lists.horde.org
>>> By the way, Horde developers, I still miss the Horde messenger. You dont
>>> want to implement a messenger in Horde, do you? I would really
>>> appreciate that, even if you give us a beta.
>> What do you mean by messenger? Something like a chat application?
>> I don't see that soon. I think there was some alpha in  
>> horde3/incubator but I don't remember the name.
> Yes, a small chat application inside Horde. There are some Groupware  
> outside having such chat application and I miss such in Horde.
>> In another language/framework/environment we used xmpp (jabber) for  
>> debugging, as a part of a die handler and for certain types of  
>> alerts.
>> I have looked around, there is only one PHP XMPP library I found  
>> and it's been unmaintained for years. We probably would have to  
>> implement parts of the protocol for one-shot jabber messages to  
>> rooms or users. There is more stuff for IRC but it's also  
>> unmaintained and mostly PHP4 stuff.
> But wouldn't it be an easy task to implement e.g. some jabber or  
> such into Horde? I mean, Horde is already there, so the base of all  
> is already there, and the chat protocols are already there. It would  
> be so practical just drop a message to someone else when one sees  
> the other online.
>> Sorry, I don't see this chat client coming in the near future but  
>> maybe you want to wrap some java chat into a minimum horde app for  
>> automatic auth. I could help with that.
> I run a cgiirc in parallel but I dont know how to implement it into  
> a Horde app. Also I think about when I open the cgiirc page its more  
> or less a bigger page than I am used to from a chat client, you  
> know, a small window with buddies in there.

On this topic - I'm curious if people are looking for something that  
specifically interoperates with other chat clients/networks (like  
jabber/IRC/AIM), or if the ask is for something more like  
Campfire/Convore - an internal team that, that probably lives only  
inside Horde for logged-in users?


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