[horde] Fwd: Re: Interface design Horde 4.1/5.0

Arnold Krille arnold at arnoldarts.de
Thu Apr 19 17:59:58 UTC 2012

On Thursday 19 April 2012 12:51:04 Simon Brereton wrote:
> The team have stated on several occasions that Horde4 is not perfect,
> but it had to make the changes to make Horde5 a realistic opportunity.

While I can understand the resons for developers to drop the old stuff to 
completely focus on the new stuff, please understand us users and admins:

> No one should give up on dynamic view because people in the
> organisation are resistant to change.

Its not about users not wanting change, its about users needing features that 
are present in the traditional views but not in the dynamic views.
Most pressing feature that comes to my mind is resource-calendars (which is 
not present in current stable dynamic kronolith) and handling of attendees 
(which is far more sophisticated in traditional kronolith).

And on a side-note: The dynamic views of imp and kronolith (the only dynamic 
views I can see as different from the traditional) are rather different from 
each other. Please do yourself and your users a favour and unify the layout 
and theme of the dynamic view.

And keep up the good work!

Have fun,

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