[horde] Horde5/Kolab integration
wrobel at pardus.de
wrobel at pardus.de
Wed Nov 21 05:13:16 UTC 2012
Zitat von "Jens-U. Mozdzen" <jmozdzen at nde.ag>:
> Hi *,
> I'm spending some time on finishing the H5/Kolab integration.
> I have the following problems I could use a helping hand with:
> 1. framework/Group/lib/Horde/Group/Kolab.php provides a class
> "Horde_Group_Kolab" which is referenced in
> ./framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Group.php (called
> "Horde_Core_Group_Kolab" there). Unfortunately, the former file
> somehow isn't included during runtime; I worked around this by
> inserting "Include_once(
> '/usr/share/php5/PEAR/Horde/Group/Kolab.php');" into the latter
> file. But I won't believe that this is the proper way of doing it.
> How should that be handled correctly?
We use autoloading. So a reference like "new Horde_Group_Kolab()" in a
situation where the class file has not been loaded before will trigger
autoloading. The autoloader will then convert this to
Horde/Group/Kolab.php and load the file into the parser.
It might be more helpful to log a bug though and describe what you
want to achieve. Horde_Group_Kolab is probably still buggy and needs
some love.
> 2. There seem to be multiple approaches at delivering Kolab
> integration. I've taken the "kolab_webmail" bundle and tried to get
> everything set up properly (and yes, it mostly works for me now),
> but how does "the Horde project" see this? Is this the way to go?
"kolab_webmail" was intended to be an easy wrapper for installing
Horde preconfigured for Kolab. It is not completed though and there is
no release available (yet). So the only "official" way is configuring
Horde for Kolab yourself via the Admin frontend. If kolab_webmail
works for you this means that we should try to finish the few missing
bits and pieces though. I would also suggest to log a bug with any
improvements or suggestions you might have for kolab_webmail.
Concerning Horde/Kolab in general: Horde 5.0 delivers at least a fully
functional Kolab integration again and that is a big step forward. But
we also still lack the resources to convert this into a completely
polished thing. So any help from the community (patches, testing etc.)
is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks for any pointers,
> Jens
> --
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