[horde] H5 ActiveSync / Samsung Galaxy S3: mapping for home/work email addresses

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Dec 2 20:38:34 UTC 2012

Quoting rbankhead <robin.bankhead at gmail.com>:

> Jan, thanks for the link. I did try grepping for those strings but I didn't
> think to make it case-insensitive...!
> So these are the field names I *have* to use in order for Turba and
> ActiveSync to use them (unless I start hacking Driver.php, which probably
> isn't a good idea in the wider picture). So if the phone sends 2 addresses,
> they will end up as "email" and "homeEmail" in Turba every time.

No. The address the phone sends in the EAS 'email1address' field will  
be set to the 'email' Turba field. The address the phone sends as  
'email2address'will be set to the 'homeEmail' Turba field, and the  
address the phone sends in the 'email3address' field will end up in  
the workEmail Turba field. It makes no difference how many email  
addresses are sent. The important bit is how the *client* is mapping  
the home/work/other email fields to the EAS email[123]address fields.  
There is nothing Horde can do about this.

> If I add
> "homeEmail" and "workEmail" and remove the "email" field, then it looks that
> the first address sent will be ignored (as the second is currently) because
> there's nowhere for "Email1Address" to go.

Correct. If you want to support the home/work separation than you need  
to have all those fields enabled. This is because we have no control  
over what mapping the client does to the email fields. Unfortunately  
the standard does not specify this mapping.

> I guess that leaves me with changing just the field labels to email ->
> "Email 1", homeEmail -> "Email 2" and ignoring the work/home assignments the
> phone decides to give them. (If every contact had both home and work email
> addresses, or all had a particular one of the two, I could keep them
> equivalent; but as a contact may have only a work or only a home email, the
> name they're transmitted under -- at least in the phone -> server direction
> -- can't be kept consistent across all contacts.)
> An unfortunate limitation in the protocol (why role-assignments for phone
> numbers but not emails?).

This is due to the history and use of the email fields in Outlook/Exchange.

  but can't be helped, and I imagine that
> flexibility has its benefits elsewhere (perhaps).
> I take it that I should reprovision the phone after making these changes? I
> can only imagine how EAS might misbehave if I don't...

That would be a good idea, yes.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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