[horde] Ansel - 3.0-git, can't add first gallery in app

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Sat Feb 16 02:31:56 UTC 2013

In Ansel 3.0-git (updated today), when I run the app I have no way to do
anything - nothing shows in the sidebar, or body, below the horizontal
Horde framework with the date.

I then pushed content into the SQL Ansel tables from previous version, and
then the app works fine - I can add, change, view etc.

New user comes along, and can see the shared galleries fine, and now that
there is content, can add, browse, etc...

But if she clicks on "My Galleries" (she has none), it drops back to 'can't
see or do anything'.

What have I missed?


Simon Wilson
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