[horde] Proxy errors to downstream Horde server

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Mon Jun 10 12:33:54 UTC 2013

----- Message from Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org> ---------
    Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:23:40 +0200
    From: Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org>
Subject: Re: [horde] Proxy errors to downstream Horde server
      To: horde at lists.horde.org

> Citeren Simon Wilson <simon at simonandkate.net>:
>> A quick config change to the proxypass timeout with  
>> "connectiontimeout 300 timeout 300" makes no discernable  
>> difference, so even with 5 minutes timeout I am still getting just  
>> as many of the 502s.
>> How long should the ping process take? and how do I identify when  
>> it starts finished in the device log?
> It can take up to $conf[activesync][ping][heartbeatmax] seconds  
> (which can be 59 minutes or 3540 seconds max). Usually, it will be  
> lower though (depending on the client), with a minimum of  
> $conf[activesync][ping][heartbeatmin] seconds.
>> From what I can see a pid is held from the auth request at the  
>> start of a PING through to that pid disappearing from the logs for  
>> between 2 and 4 minutes.
> That shouldn't happen.
>> Or is there something else that it continues to do that needs to be  
>> kept alive for the PING request?
> Yes. It keeps monitoring the folders every  
> $conf[activesync][ping][waitinterval] seconds for changes and if it  
> finds any, will report that back to the client. The client in turn  
> will run a SYNC then. After that (or in the absence of changes) the  
> device will initiate a new PING and all starts over again. So  
> generally, for any ActiveSync device that is active, you'll see a  
> process running on your server with a connection open to your IMAP  
> server.

Thanks (again) :) Arjen.

So my max is set to 2700 - should I have connectiontimeout / timeout  
on the proxy set to that? And any impact on resources on the proxy  
server, holding processes for that long?


Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16
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