[horde] Dynamic Webmail - VFS File Error

Brian Spraker spraker at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 27 03:29:20 UTC 2013

I want to apologize about the issue with the signatures.  While I don't know if it will bring back the signatures when doing replies, I do see that it is planned for IMP 6.2 for a December 2013 release to bring back the signature in the compose body.

And for some reason, I am not getting the Horde digests / responses unless someone specifically replies with my e-mail address in addition to the horde lists e-mail address.

Just found a whole thing about the signature issue and the reasons for/against it:


I do understand Michael's points on here about signatures being 'junk' and is just wasted space in e-mails.  But what about the fact that if someone sends you an e-mail initially - then you reply to it - your signature isn't even applied at all?  Personally, I greatly use signature information because it usually provides their phone number or some sort of contact information which is immediately available.  Couldn't even tell you how many times I use that info to contact the person that sent the message to me.  And it prevents the e-mail sender from having to personally type that in with every message.

OK, I'm done beating the dead horse now.

Brian S.

On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 9:12 PM, Brian Spraker <spraker at yahoo.com> wrote:
Hello all,
>Seems since the upgrade to Horde 5 from Horde 4, we've ran into numerous issues.
>It looks like one of the other two issues we've experienced may have been fixed with the latest IMP update.  Originally, users were not able to double-click an e-mail in IMP to show a message.  Only was in Internet Explorer 10 and it was bringing up a blank page.  Internet Explorer 10 had to be put into compatibility mode for the e-mail to appear - which then prevented them from seeing the full-featured version of Horde upon login because Horde saw the browser differently.  Anyways, this issue appears like it is SOLVED now.
>The other issue - which doesn't seem like it will be fixed - is in regards to the signatures not being in the composition box.  Other threads I've read said that it is 'by design' and that it is not coming back.  It seems a pretty common standard that signatures should show directly under a person's reply to an e-mail - not appended at the bottom of the e-mail.  All major e-mail programs - including Thunderbird and Outlook - append signatures at the top of replies allowing the person to type above it, thereby making the signature right under their reply.
>Finally, a newer issue.  Maybe this is caused by a configuration problem - and would be nice if there was a way to fully shut off VFS if that is even possible.  I have shut off VFS usage in the IMP configuration (top setting on the Compose tab) - but that didn't change anything.
>Synopsis is - a person replies to an e-mail.  Down in the bottom right corner, a red box comes 
>up and will say something such as:
>Unable to open VFS file .horde/imp/compose/<STRING>
>Customers have indicated that the error comes up when they try and hit the SEND button.
>Horde 5 is installed with a separate pear install.  This is how Horde 4 was installed and had worked well.
>I have updated to the latest version of the Horde applications as well.
>Thank you for any help and guidance.
>Brian S.
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