[horde] Activesync - no calendar sync

Lukas Gradl horde at ssn.at
Fri Jan 24 19:28:14 UTC 2014

Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Quoting Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:
>> Hi!
>> I've some strange problem with an android phone. It's a  
>> semi-ruggedized Android Smartphone build by an small company  
>> (http://www.benefon.de/).
>> It runs Android 4.2.1 - all the Icons and the UI look like  
>> CyanogenMod, so I think it's pretty similar to that.
>> When I try to connect it to horde using ActiveSync then contacts  
>> are synced, but no calendar entries.
>> I tried the same settings with a Cyanogen-Modded phone running  
>> 4.2.2 - work's like expected.
>> Anyone a clue what to do next?
>> Attached a log I recorded: deleted Account from phone and from  
>> horde, did a fresh install and ticked only E-Mail (no mails in  
>> account, but to be shure it's synching correctly) and calendar -  
>> ommitted contacts to keep the log short. Same procedure on the  
>> cyanogenmod phone works as expected.
>> regards
>> Lukas
> The log logs perfectly normal. It is asking for calendar changes,  
> receives notification that the query completed successfully, but no  
> changes were found. I would check to make sure that the "bad" client  
> is not filtering the time period it is asking for. E.g., Only asking  
> to sync the last 2 weeks...

Thanks for your fast answer.

Unfortunatly there is no setting for calendar range to sync - only for  
email. I tested that with setting to "all" as well - but no success.
The Cyanogen-mod phone does not have that setting as well - there it  
works when setting the email-timerange to "all".

I've no clue how to proceed...


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