[horde] Set Privileges between Horde and MySQL

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Thu Aug 21 12:47:27 UTC 2014

Zitat von Johannes Mock <mockjs at idmt.fraunhofer.de>:

> Hi together
> I installed Horde 5.2.1 and all dependencies, on a centos6 with MySQL
> and Apache2.
> Now I want to create the database tables, but on the Webinterface Horde
> told me that there is no DB access configured for any database table.
> Additionally there is no button "Update All DB Schemas" only the two
> buttons "Check for newer versions" and "Update all configurations".
> In MySQL I created the database in this way:
>     CREATE DATABASE horde;
>     GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON horde.* TO 'horde'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
> 'horde';
> Do I have to grant the privileges to 'horde'@'servername' instead of
> 'horde'@'localhost'?
> Do I have to change something in the Horde configuration before I get DB
> access from Horde to MySQL?
> Under the Horde configuration on the Webinterface I can't change between
> "General" and the other windows. Is that because there is no database
> access?
> I hope someone can help me.
> Greetings

As "admin" user you have to first configure your database access  
(user/password/location/db-name) in the stanza "database". Then you  
have to configure the different settings to use the (SQL) database.  
And of course your PHP and PEAR should include the modules needed to  
access the database of choice.



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