[horde] Occasional activesync hiccup

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Wed Oct 22 01:59:24 UTC 2014

Every so often (perhaps once every couple of days?) I find that the  
Nine activesync client has a little hiccup, and tells me that my logon  
details are wrong.

This is an example of what I then see in logs:

2014-09-25T18:31:52+10:00 ERR: EMERGENCY - Unable to obtain the IMAP Client

2014-09-25T18:31:52+10:00 WARN: HORDE [imp] [login] Mail server denied  
authentication. [pid 12105 on line 732 of  

Sep 25 18:31:50 server04 saslauthd[1898]: do_request      : NULL  
password received
Sep 25 18:31:50 server04 imap[14766]: badlogin: emp06.simonandkate.lan  
[] PLAIN [SASL(-13): authentication failure: Password  
verification failed]

Retrying is always successful, it just appears to be a momentary  
glitch. Any ideas, or should I bounce to the folks at nine?


Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16
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