[horde] Occasional activesync hiccup

Tim ODriscoll tim.odriscoll at lambrookschool.co.uk
Fri Oct 24 08:09:35 UTC 2014

On Wed, 22 Oct 2014, Simon Wilson wrote:
> Every so often (perhaps once every couple of days?) I find that the Nine 
> activesync client has a little hiccup, and tells me that my logon details are 
> wrong.

My Nine client does that too, as well as the stock Samsung mail app, 
although I've not dug out the relevant bits from the logs.
Mine only does it every few weeks, but a couple of iOS devices (out 
of approximately 40) have done it once in 3 months.

I put it down to having multiple access points on our wifi network and the 
networking stack in the phone not handling the switch properly. Using SIP 
whilst roaming between APs works fine, and the email client failing to 
authenticate is very rare and doesn't affect everyone.


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