[horde] Global preferences won't persist...

Erling Preben Hansen erling at eph.dk
Sun Jan 4 10:55:00 UTC 2015

  Citat af Michael Robinson <plug_1 at robinson-west.com>:

> conf.php from horde5/config is attached along with backends.php from
> horde5/imp/config.  I can't get the default identity to persist with
> the correct information.  The imp app doesn't work at all if the source
> email address isn't set.  I'm trying to store the identity in a
> postgresql database, but it isn't storing the data for some reason.
> I've checked extensively that the will not persist issue is still a
> problem after upgrading to all the latest packages for horde-5.2.3 via
> pear.  Please fix this in the next release of horde, it is


As i know it..

You have to set hordeauth in backends.php to something.

use a backend.local.php so it don't get changed in future opdates.


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