[horde] Kolab integration problems

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Apr 20 17:50:17 UTC 2015

Zitat von Jens-U. Mozdzen <jmozdzen at nde.ag>:

> Hi *,
> after having had severe problems storing Horde configuration data  
> into IMAP in Kolab format (starting somewhere around beginning of  
> 2015), we now face similar trouble with the calendar entries.
> I could work around the configuration issue by saving  
> (Horde-specific) configuration via MySQL back-end, this won't work  
> for the calendar objects (and similar, like tasks and addresses)...  
> I need to share *these* objects beyond Horde and we have a decade of  
> history in that format.
> While the error occurs in kronolith, I'm sending this to the general  
> Horde mailing list because AFAICT, the problem lies within the  
> framework - my suspect still is the cache infrastructure.
> A short description on how the problem faces:
> - I create a new schedule entry - works fine
> - I try to update a schedule entry - and will receive an error  
> message in the UI like
> "Beim Aktualisieren des Termins ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Failed  
> writing the Kolab object: Failed parsing Kolab object input data of  
> type string! Input was:
> Æioz»"¢}tzw(v)àQ1|z÷§¶÷«²*'×K¢wžv¿<... [shortened to 50  
> characters] Versuchen Sie stattdessen den Termin zu  
> importieren.<span class="GrowlerAlertDate">[16.4.2015  
> 10:54:10]</span>"
> (An error occured when updating the schedule: Failed to... Try to  
> import the schedule instead.)
> Looks like the entry itself is stored in compressed format (in the  
> Horde cache), but not decompressed when retrieving it via the  
> Kolab-specific routines. But of course, this is just guesswork.
> I'm willing to plunge into the code again, but would need a pointer  
> to where relevant changes were applied to the Horde code.

Honestly, the Kolab libaries are such a pile of complex and abstract  
code, that it's really hard to follow, at least for me. Each time I  
need to fix something there, I need to dive deep in the code and trace  
execution paths to find out what exactly is going on. So, no, sorry,  
no pointers off my head.

> Does anyone at Horde test Kolab integration anymore, or was Kolab  
> support dropped and I didn't catch the announcement?

It's still officially supported, but only fixed or worked on  
on-demand. Since it's currently rarely used (I still like to see Horde  
supporting the most recent Kolab out-of-the-box again), there is few  
interest in fixing bugs for free. It's really time consuming (see  
above) for a rather small target group. So currently the best bet is  
to either dive into the code yourself, or pay us (the Horde LLC) for  
fixing things.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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