[horde] Horde Error

roellig at roellig-ltd.de roellig at roellig-ltd.de
Thu Dec 10 12:32:00 UTC 2015

If the weather portal block is active it generates
during normal UserLogin an error.

Horde Log:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM horde_perms WHERE perm_name = 'passwd' [pid 6150  
on line 238 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Base.php"]
2015-12-10T12:19:31+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [horde] Horde_HashTable_Memory:  
Set key (perm_sql_exists_2passwd) [pid 6150 on line 289 of  
2015-12-10T12:19:31+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [horde] Horde_HashTable_Memory:  
Set key (perm_sql_exists_2passwd_t) [pid 6150 on line 289 of  
2015-12-10T12:19:31+00:00 EMERG: HORDE [horde] Call to a member  
function getSupportedForecastLengths() on null [pid 6150 on line 80 of  
2015-12-10T12:19:31+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE 1.  

When I log in as an admin does not happen this error

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