[horde] Unable to attach files in Whups

Vilius Sumskas/LNK vilius at lnk.lt
Wed Apr 27 06:36:36 UTC 2016

> >>>> It has nothing with gollem to do.
> >>>> Gollem don't control your backend. It uses it.
> >>>> You have to look into the limits in php and your backend for vfs.
> >>>> php has an upload limit defined in php.ini.
> >>>> and your backend for vfs can have some limitation's too.
> >>>> Since we don't know what your vfs backend is,
> >>>> and if there is any quota on it.
> >>>> We can't help without these data.
> >>>> So the suggestion is.
> >>>> Start looking through your for any limitations.
> >>>> horde -> webserver -> php -> vfs -> system -> hardware.
> >>> Do not think it's a limitation of PHP, because for example when I 
> >>> to upload too heavy files (15 MB), I get a record in the Apache 
> >>> log with something like this:
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> [Wed Jan 07 15:33:53 2015] [error] [client] PHP Warning: 
> >>> Content-Length of 15361369 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes 
> >>> Unknown on line 0, referer:
> >>> https://webmail.opcion-libre.com.ar/whups/ticket/update.php?id=36
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> But when I try to attach a file whose size is less than 
> >>> I don't get this type entries in the Apache error log and Horde 
> >>> a message saying that the ticket was updated, but the file was not
> >>> attached.
> >>>
> >>> That's why I was guiding to investigate whether there was a 
> >>> in the vfs backend. I don't have deep experience in setting Horde. 
> >>> when you talked about "vfs backend limitations" I thought in to 
> >>> the settings in any of the backends.php files:
> >>>
> >>> ingo/config/backends.php
> >>> turba/config/backends.php
> >>> gollem/config/backends.php
> >>> imp/config/backends.php
> >>>
> >>> Kindly tell me which files I would have to check.
> >>>
> >>> On config/conf.php I am using the following settings:
> >>>
> >>> $conf['vfs']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
> >>> $conf['vfs']['type'] = 'Sql';
> >> This may be the culprit. You may hit limits of your SQL backend.
> > Fortunately, I was able to fix it. In some tests trying to attach 
> > of a few kilobytes, I noticed the files was uploaded without problems.
> > But with slightly bigger files that those used in these tests 
> > always below "post_max_size"), the files were not attached.
> > 
> > Then I tried modifying also upload_max_filesize.
> > Then I've also configured post_max_size to the same size.
> > 
> > post_max_size = 20M        ; Default (on Debian): 8M
> > upload_max_filesize = 20M  ; Default (on Debian): 2M
> Today I have this problem again to attach files in Whups.
> But I imagine that the cause will be another because I still have those
> changes I made that time in the PHP configuration. I tried to upload
> this file, which has a very small size in relation to the limits of PHP:
> $ ll check_zte_wan.py
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 viper viper 1885 abr 26 17:40 check_zte_wan.py
> The cause may be another? Jan was speaking about the limits of my SQL
> backend. Would I have to search these limits in the configuration of 
> I'm not sure if it will be useful, but did this query:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> mysql> SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name",
>     -> sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 /
>     -> 1024 "Data Base Size in MB",
>     -> sum( data_free )/ 1024 / 1024 "Free Space in MB"
>     -> FROM information_schema.TABLES
>     -> GROUP BY table_schema ;
> +--------------------+----------------------+------------------+
> | Data Base Name     | Data Base Size in MB | Free Space in MB |
> +--------------------+----------------------+------------------+
> | horde              |          90.76562500 |    1380.00000000 |
> | information_schema |           0.00878906 |       0.00000000 |
> | mysql              |           0.67012215 |       0.00080490 |
> | performance_schema |           0.00000000 |       0.00000000 |
> +--------------------+----------------------+------------------+
> 4 rows in set (0.13 sec)

If you are uploading attachments to SQL backend (which doesn't make sense 
to me), then check max packet size parameter for MySQL.


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