[horde] Horde with LDAP auth and e-mail as IMAP username

Ivajlo Karabojkov ivo at tugab.bg
Fri Aug 6 07:30:59 UTC 2021

Thank you very much! That worked, but with some strange behavior - when 
the user clicks to "Mail" the login screen shows up. If the ordinary 
username (without the domain) and the password is provided everything works.
Can I suppress the secondary login, as the username and the password is 
already supplied?

Here is my IMP preauthenticate hook:

      public function preauthenticate($userId, $credentials)
          switch ($credentials['authMethod']) {
          case 'admin':
              return true;

          case 'authenticate':
             // Example #1: Append the virtual domain to the username.
             // ex. $HTTP_HOST = 'mail.mydomain.com', $userId = 'myname' 
             // 'myname at mydomain.com'
             $vdomain = 'my.domain.com';
             return array (
                 'credentials' => $credentials,
                 'userId' => $userId . '@' . $vdomain

On 06.08.2021 00:31 ч., Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
> Quoting Ivajlo Karabojkov <ivo at tugab.bg>:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to set up a Horde with LDAP authentication and user 
>> management.
>> Each mail domain should have its own horde configuration and users 
>> log in with their username (cn). But the IMAP server works in 
>> "virtual users" mode and expects as an username the e-mail address, 
>> consisting the username (cn)+"@"+domain.com.
>> Is it possible to configure IMP to send the whole e-mail address as 
>> an username to the IMAP server without asking users to enter it as 
>> username?
> Sounds like you want IMP's preauthenticate hook. See 
> imp/config/hooks.php.dist
>> Best regards,
>> Ivo
>> -- 
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