[i18n] horde project romanian translations

Eugen Hoanca eugenh at urban-grafx.ro
Thu Mar 20 08:08:41 PST 2003

Hi all!

>Committed, thanks!

>A few notes though:

>You added a translation for IMP but there is already a Romanian one. Did you
>talk to the last tranlator?

Unfortunately for me, in that very day when I sent those files I saw that 
Cornel (the first translator of Horde) did it again. So I renounced to the IMP 
translation that I did :)

>Please provide unzipped .po files with the real name or all files zipped
>together the next time.

Okay, got the picture. :)

Greetings and keep up the good work!

Eugen Hoanca
Urban GraFX Network Administrator

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