[i18n] translation.php wipes out messages ?

Benoit St-André ben at benoitst-andre.net
Wed Sep 10 10:35:51 PDT 2003

Le mer 10/09/2003 à 04:26, Ivan Noris a écrit :
> If you've installed compiled gettext in e.g. /usr/local, then set your
> export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
> in your .bashrc or /etc/bashrc (if you're using BASH).
> You need to relogin or source the file (". ~/.bashrc" or ".
> /etc/bashrc") to update PATH. Or set it directly via cmd line.
> -- 

Ok, translation.php uses gettext-0.12 on my install. This great, but...

gettext version: 0.12.1 OK
PHP support in xgettext: No, trying C++ instead

It seems it doesn't use the php support (I supposed I had to do
./configure --enable-php to compile gettext, but it didn't make (!) a

It would'nt be a problem if gettext-0.12 was solving the problem, but,
messages are still being wiped out...

Proof ?

Because the update process in translation.php gives that kind of

"lus 1 anciens + 1 références, 817 fusionnés, 28 approximatives, 15
manquants, 150 périmés."

which means that 150 messages are being commented out in my fr_FR.po AND
removed from imp.pot.


Doing all the steps systematicly from fresh cvs files, I traced the
msgid "Save Draft" which kept disapearing....

Step 1: it appeared in the compendium.pot created by my
./translation.php compendium command. It stayed in imp.pot and in
fr_FR.po . Good.

Step 2. update process, message is commented #~ msgid ".... in fr_FR.po
files, wiped out from imp.pot . Surprisingly, it is still in the
compose.inc template...


xgettext misses 150 msg. Even with gettext-0.12. Is the fact that the
php support doesn't work a problem ? (probably...). Or does the
translation.php script has a flaw ?

I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one to have that problem...
I work from a fresh horde cvs install, from a fresh gettext install...

Hope I'm not boring you all with those stories, but I find it important
since it is probably affecting other users that may not notice it...

Thanks  !
Benoit St-André 
ben at benoitst-andre.net http://benoitst-andre.net
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