[i18n] Horde3.1.4-zh_CN completed

Anna Chen annachen2008 at yahoo.com.cn
Tue Aug 28 03:55:41 UTC 2007

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Anna Chen <annachen2008 at yahoo.com.cn> 写道:
  This is Anna Chen from China. 
  When I use Horde, I found English-Chinese mixed together in Horde interface for Chinese locale, and also some mistranslation in Chinese locale. So I decide to make a better version. The attached ZIP file contains translated strings for Horde 3.1.4 zh_CN. Please check whether these modules are ok, as well as the format. If it is ok, I will make the zh_TW version for Horde 3.1.4 a little bit later. 
  If you have any questions, please contact me. I look forward for your reply.
  Best regards,
  Anna Chen


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