[i18n] Translation help
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Mon Nov 26 23:33:15 UTC 2007
Zitat von Joseph Yee <jyee at ca.afilias.info>:
> Greeting,
> I'm trying to compile a brand new translation, Horde and IMP, in Tamil
> (UTF-8); however I don't every words translated. I looked and checked
> perquisites, and upgrade/install all necessary PEAR packages.
> Following the README at /horde/po, with horde's and imp's ta_SG.po in place:
> I do specify the locale and module, instead of just init, make (because
> I have no translation for any other module), is it not right?
Sorry, I don't understand. How did you create the translation if you
did *not* start with init?
> php translation.php make -l ta_SG -m horde -n
> php translation.php make -l ta_SG -m imp -n
This looks fine.
> I have the compiled mo files created and found in the module's locale
> directory, but all I got is English ONLY wording.
Do other translations work? You can also send the translations you
have so far to this list, so we can see if it's a general issue or
just something on your system.
Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
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