[i18n] Message not being translated

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Aug 5 15:17:15 UTC 2008

Zitat von DrFugazi <drfugazi at drfugazi.eu.org>:

> M. Rodrigo Monteiro pisze:
>> Yes, now it works.
>> Can you explain how it works?
>> I see some "#, fuzzy, php-format" too.
> Fuzzy entries are marked for revision by translator, look at:
> <http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/gettext/Fuzzy-Entries.html>
> You can install .PO files editor, translation will be simplier, I used
> poEdit on Windows and Ubuntu and it works fine. There is a screen from
> poEdit (and some other useful informations):
> <http://fplanque.net/Blog/devblog/2003/08/18/introducing_gettext_and_po_files>
>> And I try to translate the button "Empty Spam" in the mailbox view
>> (link:  
>> http://server/horde/imp/mailbox.php?mailbox=INBOX.Spam&actionID=empty_mailbox),
>> putting in the end of the .po file:
>> msgid "Empty Spam"
>> msgstr "Esvaziar Spam"
> In your horde/po directory you have a script 'translation.php'. Use it
> for extraction of strings and compilation of .mo files for your
> language. Read also horde/docs/TRANSLATIONS guide.
> <http://cvs.horde.org/co.php/horde/docs/TRANSLATIONS?r=>

But please note that the pt_BR translation already has been updated  
since the last release, so you can save yourself a lot of time.


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