[i18n] Message not being translated

M. Rodrigo Monteiro falecom at rodrigomonteiro.net
Wed Aug 6 13:40:24 UTC 2008

2008/8/5 Luis Felipe Marzagao/Andamentos <lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com>:
> Yes, they don´t update because they were created when the name was still in
> english. In order for them to update, rename the folders (Trash, Sent etc)
> and let the program create new ones (now in pt_BR) and then move all the
> messages from the previous folders into the new ones.

I can't let Horde create new ones, because it's for 1k users, and they
use Thunderbird as well.
Now, when I log in Horde in en_US, the folders looks like they are
fine (all with the icons and in the Options they appears). But if I
log in pt_BR, they don't (even in the Options).
What should I do?


M. Rodrigo Monteiro
falecom at rodrigomonteiro.net
"Free as in Freedom, not free as in free beer"
Linux User # 403730

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