[i18n] Italian translations for Horde and some modules

Massimo Malabotta mmalabotta at units.it
Wed May 9 09:33:43 UTC 2012

Il 07/05/2012 10:10, Jan Schneider ha scritto:
> Which "many" pages are you referring to? There is only a single
> translation document, shipped with Horde, and available online via
> http://www.horde.org/apps/horde/docs/TRANSLATIONS

Sorry I wasn't accurate: of course I read that, both in the horde 
package and online, and I also read 
http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/TranslationH4, and also found the 
"missing" page http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ/Developer/Translations (linked 
from http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ/Developer ). I simply could not find any 
information on how precisely send translation files, there is written 
only "write to the mailing list" - and when I did that my message was 
rejected for being too large. Fortunately you cleared my doubts:

> Anyway, just send a download link to this list. And to make the
> developer's life easier, bundle separate translations into a single
> archive, and use the same directory structure like in Git.

These were the informations I was looking for in documentation or FAQ in 
the first place.

So, finally, these are my current translation files for Italian language:

Please note this is a file delivery service that keeps the file 
available for 40 days.

Massimo Malabotta

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