[i18n] Issue with Access keys and accented characters

Paul De Vlieger paul.de_vlieger at moniut.univ-bpclermont.fr
Tue Jul 2 11:21:00 UTC 2013

Le 02/07/2013 12:13, Gérard Breiner a écrit :
> Hello,
> It appears that when there is a letter that is used as access keys in a word 
> with an accent characters the letter is not display. For instance : In french 
> "New event"  should be  "Nouvel événement(N)" but instead of this whe get :
> "Ouvel événement(N).
> the solution I found is to doubled the access key in the locale fr-FR like this :
> #: lib/Application.php:162 lib/View/Sidebar.php:33
> msgid "_New Event"
> msgstr "_NNouvel événement"
> I proceeded the same way with the entire file kronolith.po and nag.po and 
> translate into .mo files. Is there a place in the horde community where I can 
> put these files ?
> Best regards
> Gérard Breiner
> Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
> FR-91405 Orsay Campus

I don't see this error in our Horde (5.1), what is access keys?

Anyway if you want to update a translation just submit a link to download a 
tarball containing your .po files and they'll be commited by the horde team.

Here is a sample link (commited in January):


Paul De Vlieger
IUT d'Allier
Info & Réseau
+33 4 70 02 20 62

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