[imapproxy] Re: [imp] serious mysql or imap problems on a imp
Didi Rieder
Fri Oct 25 13:20:12 2002
--On Friday, October 25, 2002 02:07:22 PM +0200 Didi Rieder <adrieder@sbox.tugraz.at> wrote:
> This results show, that there is a significant performance gain when I use the
> proxy. So I guess the problem must be related to IMP/c-client or wath erver,
> since basic IMAP works great!
It seems that the main problem with IMP is opening a mailbox. For instance, I
have a "saved" folder with 400 messages, when I open a message in it and then
click on "back to saved" it takes about 5 seconds to display the message list.
Without proxy it takes not even 2 seconds.
Didi Rieder