[imp] Prerequisites for horde and imp head
Chuck Hagenbuch
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 15:10:44 -0400 (EDT)
Quoting Scott Martin <martin@math.ohiou.edu>:
> I am compiling a list of possible prerequisites for every possible program
> that horde or imp (cvs head) may use. Please tell me if I have left anything
> out:
Let's clarify this a bit:
web servers:
> apache
scripting languages:
> php4
php extensions:
> imap
> ldap
> mysql
> postgresql
> mcal
> ftp
> gettext
> xml
sablot (xslt - working on it)
zlib (for output compression)
I'm sure this particular list will grow over time...
external binaries:
> sendmail
> ispell
> wvhtml
> xlhtml
> tar
> gpg
> rpm
> dpkg
We don't actually use the command line fetchmail program.
xxx fetchmail
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
must... find... acorns... *thud*