[imp] pine locks

Martin A. Marques martin@math.unl.edu.ar
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 13:01:23 -0300

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 06:55:41PM -0300, Martin A. Marques (martin@math.unl.edu.ar) wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I would like to know how to make locks for pine when the person is using
> > IMP web-mail?
> Well, you've no idea if Pine and IMP are running on the same machine,
> so I'm not sure how you'd get them to communicate with each other. I
> suppose you could modify Pine and your IMAP server to lock when
> necessary, but that's not an IMP issue at all.

Yes, they are on the same machine. But I guess you guys here know alot about IMAP! ;-)

> > Is this posible?
> Probably not, because, if IMP and Pine are running on the same machine
> both using IMAP, you have no way of knowing that multiple connections
> are coming from both, and not just from one or the other. Of course, I
> can't see any *reason* why you'd want to disallow two clients' access
> at once, either.

It is importante as for modification of the mail forders (mail files). Especifically, you 
can't open two pines with read/write mode. If one is open, then the second one will open the 
mailbox in read-only mode.

To be more specific. Today we are running IMO (or IMHO?) with Roxen web server. This web-mail 
locks the mailbox, so if I open pine, it will open in read-only mode. That way, only one can 
modify the mailbox at a time. Not both.
Now we are going to move to Apache, and IMO is specific to Roxen, so we need another web-mail 
client, and there is where IMP comes in! ;-)

Any suggestions?

"And I'm happy, because you make me feel good, about me." - Melvin Udall
Martín Marqués			email: 	martin@math.unl.edu.ar
Santa Fe - Argentina		http://math.unl.edu.ar/~martin/
Administrador de sistemas en math.unl.edu.ar