[imp] mysql vs. postgres..

Marc G. Fournier scrappy@hub.org
Wed, 8 Nov 2000 14:55:25 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Martin A. Marques wrote:

> On Mié 08 Nov 2000 17:07, you wrote:
> > I have been running IMP 2.2.0 with Postgres in production for about 6
> > months now.  Other than the major annoyance of having to vacuum the
> > DB nightly (a task that takes in excess of  20 minutes on an E250 with 1
> > GB of ram and dual 300 CPUs) Postgres has worked very well.  Currently I
> > am getting a 2.2.3 version of IMP  up and running.  This time I plan to
> > use Mysql in order to avoid the need to Vacuum.    A few minutes ago
> > I reread the section of the FAQ concern which DB to use.
> Why is it that you vacumm every night? I use postgres with no problem, and 
> have never had to vacumm. Maybe I'm missing something.

I vacuum once in a blue moon when I happen to remeber to do it ... and it
doesn't take 20minutes on a Dual-PIII with 768Meg of RAM ... how big is
your horde database??