Some problems with attachemnt and POP3
Fri, 24 Nov 2000 08:21:23 +0100
Yes I'm using POP3, the error messages are not a problem, only some line in
the error log but the no_description attachments is a problem
because the clients will not understand what it means ... If I click to see
what are these multipart/mixed attachments, I see Mime + src message, so it's
the same as the source message ... When there are multiple no description
attachments (because forward)
So the first attachment - no description - is composed of the forward
+ original message + MIME (msword)
The second one attachment -no description- is composed of the original msg
+ MIME without the forward message!
And the last one , hopefully, is the word attachment
To sum up, multipart/mixed attachment contain only source message (with smtp
dialog), more are the redirection, more there will be attachment ...
So there is no solution ??
(snif :-(
Chuck do you have any idea for wvHtml, why it doesn't display the word
document but only :
>Usage: /usr/local/bin/wvHtml
> > 1°/. When I receive an email witch attachment, I always have one or two
> > attachments with no description and multipart/mixed as below
> > ---snip--snip--
> > Pièces jointes
> > [pas de description] multipart/mixed 476.32 KB
> > 2 [pas de description] multipart/mixed 475.30 KB
> > 2.2 document.doc application/msword 474.84 KB
> > (source du message)
> > ---snip--snip--
> >
> > Is there a solution to hide these attachements ?
> Nevermind - just noticed you're using pop3. POP isn't meant to handle
> attachments nicely; you're out of luck. POP flakiness is probably the cause
> of some of your other problems (the error messages) as well - php doesn't
> work as well with c-client in pop mode as it does in imap, for some reason.
> -chuck