[imp] Folder Navigator

Michael Bull mbull@uoguelph.ca
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 15:42:13 -0500

At 11:38 AM 14/12/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Oh, ok. I thought maybe there was a config setting somewhere that
>disabled that menu item. I'm not having problems with folder navigation
>in general; everything else works. Any other method of switching folders
>works; It's just the Navigator tree view that doesn't.

If you want to disable just the navigator but not folders as a whole, I'd 
just edit the code for the menu.  II I remember right, it would just be a 
matter of editing imp/templates/menu/menu.inc (I believe) and just 
removing/commenting out the one line that is adding Navigator to the bar.

Having said this, I'm with the comment earlier; perhaps you could talk with 
the developers and help them troubleshoot the problem, to help determine if 
there is something in error with the IMP code that is causing it that could 
be fixed.