[imp] duplicating the inbox
Chuck Hagenbuch
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 00:46:15 -0500
Quoting Jun Garin <jun@earth.www.ph>:
> pop is working fine with netscape messenger.
> below is the sample of my /var/log/maillog after clicking the refresh
> button once.
> Feb 21 13:43:12 linux vpop3d[1708]: user polgas logged in, domain Virtual
> domain1.www.ph
> Feb 21 13:43:12 linux vpop3d[1709]: user polgas logged in, domain Virtual
> domain1.www.ph
> you see, there were 2 instances of vpop3d which is should only be
> once. if i use netscape messenger, there was only 1 instance of the above
> log entry.
Okay... but either way, IMP does not issue a "duplicate the mailbox" command.
So I'd have to see a lot more evidence that this is a problem with IMP, as
opposed to a vpopd bug.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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