[imp] problems with LDAP search

Robert Marchand robert.marchand@UMontreal.CA
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 11:41:42 -0500


    many thanks.  I've finally had time to test and it seem working well. 
Although I have
others questions related to LDAP:

Is there a possibility to have custom attributes searched?  We will have 
aliases mail
address located in 'maillocaladdress'.  This is a search attribute, not a 
result one so the
last line in the config does nothing for us.

Also what is the meaning of the fifth line (usually 'sn') in the config? I 
didn't found detailed
help about the configuration.

Last thing: we will have two LDAP servers in case one has to be 
shutdown.  We found that in ldapsearch and sendmail it is possible to 
specify a list of server where you usually
put one.  It also worked with IMP.  Don't ever break this :-)!

Thanks again.

At 21:57 01-03-09 -0600, you wrote:
>On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Brent J. Nordquist <bjn@horde.org> wrote:
> > On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Robert Marchand <robert.marchand@UMontreal.CA>=
> >
> > > Watching the output of the POST request with a cgi, I saw that value
> > > of the 'attr_type' is not the internal name (like 'mail') but the
> > > display name (like 'E-Mail Address').
> >
> > EXCELLENT!  Good catch; this relates to bug 517.  Committed; many=
>OK, it turns out I had to take a different path to finally close this bug,
>and get LDAP searches working.  But I've tested it pretty thoroughly, and
>all the bad behaviors we've been seeing now seem to be fixed.
>To get the fix, you will need the following three files from 2.2.5-cvs:
>     imp/ldap.search.php3
>     imp/templates/contacts/javascript.inc
>     imp/templates/contacts/ldap-php3.inc
>I really appreciate you putting me onto the right track.
>Brent J. Nordquist <bjn@horde.org>
>Yahoo!: Brent_Nordquist / AIM: BrentJNordquist / ICQ: 76158942
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Robert Marchand                 tél: 343-6111 poste 5210
DGTIC-SIT                       e-mail: robert.marchand@umontreal.ca
Université de Montréal          Montréal, Canada