Odp: [imp] imp 2.3 preferences, charset and fonts

Bartosz Aninowski bart@sonik.pl
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 20:28:24 +0200

> > 1. I can not save preferences (name, signatures etc in OPTIONS). There
> > should be some sql table but I can not find any info about it.
> > 2. I try to change font in body of viewed email. I try to change it in
> > horde/config/html.php but with no result.
> > 3. I try to also change code page to ISO-8859-2 with no result too.
> Unless you provide more details about all of these - your prefs setup,
what you
> tried to change, etc. - we can't help you...
I open options and have
User Preferences for bart

1.I would like to fill in my Full name, signature, from address and etc.
I put all information and clicked 'save preferences' .
Next I saw "Your preferences have been updated"
But when I connected once again my preferences was still empty.
I think I have to make some sql tables but can't find any docs.

2.I have to change font to Arial CE because my emails use ISO-8859-2 code
I change it in horde/config/html.php but with no result.
When I open email there is still Geneva. See piece of html.php

$css['body']['font-family'] = 'Arial Ce,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif';
$css['body']['font-size'] = '9pt';
$css['body']['background-color'] = 'white';
$css['body']['color'] = 'black';


Bartosz Aninowski
ul. M³odnicka 39a   04-239 Warszawa
tel 22 879 68 96     fax 22 879 68 97
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