[imp] Yellow Text in Internet Explorer 5.5 with imp.
John Soward
Wed, 04 Apr 2001 11:00:09 -0400
Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting John Soward <soward@uky.edu>:
>> Some win/IE users complained to me about the messages being difficult to
>> read in IMP.
>> For a while I assumed they were crazy, when they told me the text of
>> various things,
>> including date/subject and full text body was a light yellow on light
>> grey, since it
>> quite obviously appears black to me under Netscape and various other
>> browsers, but
>> it is in fact yellow. I can fiddle with config/html.php and change it to
>> any color easily
>> under netscape, but under IE it remains yellow. I didn't see anything
>> obvious (to me)
>> in the FAQ or by searching the archives of this list. If anyone has a
>> solution to this
>> I'd love to hear it -- and our students in the labs using IE would too!
> What version of IMP is this with, and does it always happen with IE? What do
> you need to do to reproduce it?
2.3.7-cvs as of about 2 weeks ago. It does always happen and I can
reproduce it.
I'm about to re-cvs currently. If it's still there, I can make a test
account to
demonstrate the problem.
John Soward
Lead Systems Programmer, Technical Services, University of Kentucky
p: 859.257.2900x298 e:soward@uky.edu w: http://neworder.cc.uky.edu/
>From chuck@horde.org Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 11:07:14 -0400
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Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 11:07:14 -0400
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
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Subject: Re: [imp] Yellow Text in Internet Explorer 5.5 with imp.
Quoting John Soward <soward@uky.edu>:
> 2.3.7-cvs as of about 2 weeks ago. It does always happen and I can
> reproduce it.
> I'm about to re-cvs currently. If it's still there, I can make a test
> account to
> demonstrate the problem.
That'd be good - I've never seen this, and I use 2.3-cvs and IE every day...
make sure that your html.php for Horde and IMP is up to date and not corrupted,
and also make sure that if you're trying to see changes in IE, that you've
turned off caching of stylesheets.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11