[imp] Horde/Imp (1.2.5/2.2.5) not using same language ..?

René Jensen lundeman@tbkol.dk
Sat, 12 May 2001 14:17:14 +0200

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> I don't think there's a Danish translation of Horde.
> -chuck

Well.. now there is one..
just made it and added:

$lang->lang['da'] = 'Dansk';


$lang->charset['da'] = 'ISO-8859-1';

to /horde/config/lang.php3

And made some changes to horde/templates/problem/problem.inc, because Email,
phone, and some other things are hardcoded in there, and thereby didn't use
the tranlated version.

I do know that someone else is working on a danish translation of IMP 2.4,
and hopefully Turba to.

         (@ @)
      René Jensen

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