a couple of configuration file consistency issues

Keith A. Chayer kchayer@bbcnet.edu
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 09:56:55 -0500

Nothing big here, but I thought I'd point these out in the interest of 

1. In horde/config/horde.php.dist, $conf['css']['cached'] defaults to 
false.  However, in horde/imp/config/conf.php.dist, the same setting defaults to 
true.  Should they both be one or the other in the .dist config files?

2. In horde/imp/config/conf.php.dist, both the wordviewer and excelviewer 
entries are blank.  However, the powerpointviewer is populated with a path.  
Should that one not be blank as well, allowing the administrator to configure 
his own path?


---------- - - .
Keith A. Chayer                                         Baptist Bible College
Network Technician                                         Springfield, MO
 ::`--._,'.::.`._.--'/::      "Ready?  For 800 years have I trained Jedi.
 ::::.  ` __::__ '  .::::      My own council will I keep on who is ready."
 :::::::: `--' /::::::::              -Yoda