[imp] strange things in summary

Jan Schneider janmailing@gmx.de
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 16:16:23 +0200

Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <janmailing@gmx.de>:
> > At first there appear some folders that I had earlier but that doesn't
> exist 
> > anymore, not even in the spool directory of my imap server (cyrus 1.6.24).
> > And even more strange: If I click on the link I get to these folders!!! I
> > checked with another mail client (Outlook) and these folders DON'T EXIST!
> This list used is your 'folder poll list' - the folders you've selected to 
> check for new mail. And you'll get just an empty folder list if the folder 
> exists currently.

But it's vice versa: I get a list, but this list also contains folders that 
don't exist anymore. I think they are still in the "to-poll-list", where they 
should be removed from after deleting these folders.
And this doesn't gives an answer why I can go to these folders event though 
they don't exist???
> > At last one opinion to the summary: I would like to see the sender and
> > subject of the unread messages in the summary rather than only a count.
> My concern with this is that the summaries are supposed to be fairly light-
> weight; opening each folder in turn to list unread messages would get fairly
> expensive. Also, it opens the door to serious feature-creep - I don't want it
> to be a mini-mailbox view.

I understand your intention. Perhaps a solution could be to read a maximum of - 
let's say - three or five messages of each folder.

Any thoughts from you other guys? (And gurls of course! BTW, are any gurls 
working with horde?)
