[imp] Theory
Chuck Hagenbuch
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:23:18 -0400
Quoting Todd Lyons <todd@mrball.net>:
> 1) Using mysql instead of shared memory is more efficient for session
> management
> 2) Default is to use IMAP for authentication
Authentication to what? From the first question, it sounds like you're talking
about IMP 2.2, in which case the only authentication is to your mail server...
> 3) To use LDAP for authentication I have to use the devel tree. I've
> not found schema requirements yet (mod_php and php-ldap are installed)
Horde authentication, yes. If you want your mailserver to use LDAP auth, that's
an entirely seperate issue and has nothing to do with IMP.
> 4) It _seems_ from the devel tree config that I could use LDAP for
> session management if I wanted to. No documentation really spells
> that out in the devel tree :) (kinda the definition of devel). That
> seems like it would be a waste since LDAP is optimized for reads, not
> writes
Now you mention the devel tree. The development code - Horde 1.3 and IMP 2.3 -
uses php4 session management instead of phplib, and the default driver - files -
works fine. If you want to change it, it's up to you, and not really inside
the scope of Horde or IMP anymore.
I think we could use a bit of clarification on what you're talking about, what
versions you're looking at, etc., to give you better answers.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.