[imp] Theory
Todd Lyons
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 08:37:48 -0700
begin Chuck Hagenbuch quotation:
>> 2) Default is to use IMAP for authentication
>Authentication to what? From the first question, it sounds like you're talking
Allow a user to login so they can check their mail. That's it.
>Horde authentication, yes. If you want your mailserver to use LDAP auth, that's
>an entirely seperate issue and has nothing to do with IMP.
My mailserver and imap server already authenticate against LDAP. I am
trying to figure out if I can get IMP to authenticate when users login
against LDAP, or if I'll be forced to have IMP authenticate user logins
against the imap server.
>Now you mention the devel tree. The development code - Horde 1.3 and IMP 2.3 -
>uses php4 session management instead of phplib, and the default driver - files -
> works fine. If you want to change it, it's up to you, and not really inside
>the scope of Horde or IMP anymore.
I'm gonna have to digest this.
>I think we could use a bit of clarification on what you're talking about, what
>versions you're looking at, etc., to give you better answers.
I really need to do more homework before I ask more questions. My main
questions were along the line of how to authenticate a user login, but
all I asked was how to authenticate. Your response was authenticate
what? which implies that there are more things to authenticate than just
user login. If that's the case, I need to read more and figure out what
other things there ARE to authenticate besides the user login.
Blue skies... Todd
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