duplicate active_session entry in my_sql

Siddhartha Jain sid@netmagicsolutions.com
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 22:03:39 +0530


I am running Apache-1.3.20/php-4.0.5/horde-1.2.5/imp-1.2.5 on a Linux box
(Redhat 5.2, 2.0.36, Mysql 3.23.38). When i goto
www.myhost.com/horde/imp/index.php3, i get a
Database error: Invalid SQL: insert into active_sessions ( sid, name, val,
changed ) values ('0f8fbb6436c099317bb3c894f88bc6ab', 'HordeSession',
MySQL Error: 1062 (Duplicate entry
'HordeSession-0f8fbb6436c099317bb3c894f88bc6ab' for key 1)
Session halted.

So i ran through mailing lists and search engines and found someone say that
replacing "insert" with "replace" in phplib/ct_sql.inc does the job. So i
did so and find everything runs fine. But is proper to do so?

I am running the same setup on a Sun box with Mysql 3.22.26a successfully,
without any problems.
