[imp] PHP frustrations with IMP install
Craig White
Sat, 11 Aug 2001 17:18:18 -0700
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robin Whittle [mailto:rw@firstpr.com.au]
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 3:43 PM
> To: imp@lists.horde.org
> Subject: Re: [imp] PHP frustrations with IMP install
> If you can document what you did, I would like to put it on my site, or
> link to it. Perhaps if you wrote it to this list in sufficient detail
> for someone to follow it, even though they know nothing about IMP or any
> of the preliminary things it needs, I can link to it from my site.
> I was trying to follow the documentation. I didn't know enough about
> IMP or any of these other things to try anything else.
Personally, I think alternative documentation to the real documentation is
counterproductive and possibly misleading. I take all installation
documentation on open source with a grain of salt - that there are so many
distro's out there that it's a general guide. The idea of writing my own
installation manual seemed pointless since it was rather unremarkable -
frustrated only by my lack of knowledge of Apache, PHP & MySql.
First - and most importantly, I have little incentive to use 'patched
versions' of RPM's that comprise the basic distribution so I will always try
to install and run without them. You cannot be assured of an upgrade path
when you use common package - that are specially patched to make a system
Secondly, the issues involved in this install are most specifically Apache,
PHP & your SQL package - they give you enough info to get them working but
you have to work thru them. If this is too tough, then there are packages -
I believe one of them is Nu-Sphere that handle the combined install. It
seemed important enough for me to understand all of these and I especially
like to handle the security issues of Apache & PHP myself.
Speaking of security, I have looked at other packages - am playing with
phpgroupware specifically and I can tell you that Horde/IMP has gone the
extra mile to try to secure the installation - many other similar packages
don't do this and let me tell you that when you put passwords in a file that
is located within the Apache web served tree, you should be concerned.
Anyway, in the spirit of lighting a candle instead of cursing the darkness,
though my knowledge of these things is probably way limited, I try to help
others with RH 7.1 installs when they post questions. And of course between
Rich, Atif, Anil & of course Chuck, there is so much help here - there seems
to be little need for frustration.
>From jo@our Date: 12 Aug 2001 02:29:58 -0500
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Subject: Login
Hi - I'm an IMP newbie, I just checked out IMP and Horde from CVS and
set it up. Obviously I missed something in setting it up. I pull up the
login screen fine but when I try to log in to my mailserver, either by
imap or pop I get "Login failed for some reason. Most likely your
username or password was entered incorrectly." Needless to say, after
having tried a few times, my username and password are correct...
Looking at /tmp/imp.log I see:
Aug 12 02:17:14 IMP [notice] login success for jo
Aug 12 02:17:14 IMP [info] failed
Anybody have any hints for me on where/how I might fix this??