[imp] greek language setting is not working

Jeff Tucker jefft@wciatl.com
Thu, 06 Dec 2001 11:50:38 -0500

--On Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:07 AM +0100 Jan Schneider 
<jan@horde.org> wrote:

> It seems that some on some distributions gettext doesn't work if you set
> LC_ALL to the wanted locale. Try replacing LC_ALL in lib/Registry.php or
> in  the debug instructions with different LC_* available on your system
> and  tell us if it works.


I don't understand what you mean here. I'm using the default @setlocale in 
Registry.php, of course.

I see that in a regular shell, I have the variable LC_ALL set to POSIX. 
Gettext doesn't work for me from the shell or inside IMP.

What might I try setting LC_ALL to in the shell to test with. I've gotten 
gettext to work on a RedHat system I have, so I'm sure I know how to type 
the commands. On this Slackware system, I haven't gotten it working, though.

Jeff Tucker
Williams Consulting, Inc.