[imp] Serious Bug In Imp 3.0 RC3?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 16 Dec 2001 02:26:22 -0500

Quoting Lee Hoffman <lee_hoffman@brown.edu>:

> I just launched horde/imp 3.0 (on a debian 2.2r/apache/php 4.1.0 box) in
> a moderate load environment and I think I've run into a serious bug.
> After 30 seconds or so of being logged in (or perhaps after multiple
> other users start logging in and loading pages) when you click on a
> link, the page tries to load for roughly 3 minutes before crapping out
> to "Page Cannot be displayed" http error page. Apache error logs and
> horde error log show nothing (apache registers the page request, but
> none of the other items from the page). After this happens, even after
> hitting stop, all links in imp have the same problem. Things do not fix
> themselves until the browser window is closed or apache is restarted. 
> Im guessing this is a sessions issue since it starts when multiple
> sessions are opened, and ends when you close your session. Anyone have
> any ideas?

Not really. It _might_ be a PHP 4.1.0 issue, but I haven't had any problems 
with the CVS version. There are large installations running with the IMP 3 
code, so I'd think one of them would have hit this if it was a general problem.

Restarting Apache doesn't actually get rid of any session information, btw - 
you might want to see if clearing all sessions (they're in temp/sess_* if 
you're using the default session handler) has any effect.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin