[imp] Copyingt SQL preferences from horde version 1.3.5 to 2.0

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 14:11:01 +0100

Zitat von Lloyd Zusman <ljz@asfast.com>:

> I managed to get Horde-2.0/IMP-3.0 up and running smoothly.  However,
> the preferences stored in the SQL data base for my previous horde
> version (1.3.5) were ignored in the new version (2.0).
> I know that I'm properly connecting to the data base, because I can
> store and change preferences in the newest version, and they remain
> between login/logout sessions.
> Therefore, I presume that these preferences are being stored
> differently in the data base between the 1.3.5 version of horde, and
> the newest version.
> Does anyone have a script that will propagate the preferences stored
> in the 1.3.5 manner into preferences that can be accessed via version
> 2.0?
> I have many users on my system using IMP for their email, and they
> would not like it if I upgrade to the new version and cause them to
> lose all of their preferences.
> If no script exists, can anyone point me to a detailed description of
> exactly how the preferences are stored in the SQL data base in version
> 1.3.5 and in version 2.0, so that I can write a script that will
> convert the existing preferences for all my users?

There is a script in imp/scripts/


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