IMP and Debian
Sun, 6 Jan 2002 19:58:35 -0600

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I know there is a debian package for imp...but its the 2.2 branch and im =
looking for latest and greatest.

Only problem is that I havent been able to get this to fly, so im =
curious if there is something I can do to make this process easier to =
install with Debian.  Right now I wont even start on where I am at with =
the errors, it just seams like everytime I get one thing to install then =
there is another and it has requirements that I dont have so then I have =
to install another package and bascialy spend an hour trying to figure =
out what is wrong.

Anyways any comments by anyone using Debian would help, wonder if you =
had any problems installing the 3.x branch?

I would give you logs and tell you what has went wrong, but I have been =
so frustrated by this I said forget it and formatted now im about to =
start over from scratch!  When i orginaly installed 2.x i dont recall it =
ever being this much of a pain in the butt! =20


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