Failing to login

James Lucas
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 18:46:53 +1100

I've installed Horde 2.0 and IMP 3.0 everything looked good the test page
worked. Authentication is done my IMP, however all login attempts fail. When
this started happening I went back to the demo site since that worked in the
The demo site is also not working for login's (Error login failed for some
reason) on our server but also two other servers in our domain. However I
can log in to these servers with a Outlook Express.

Using   Apache 1.3.22
        PHP 4.1.1
        PEAR 4.1.0
        IMAP 2001a
        Debian 2.2 release 4
        SSL 0.9.6b

    James Lucas
    Webmaster - Engineering Society of the University Technology, Sydney