[imp] Failing to login

Conor Kerr conor@dev.ceon.net
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 11:42:41 GMT

G'Day James,

> I've installed Horde 2.0 and IMP 3.0 everything looked good the test page
> worked. Authentication is done my IMP, however all login attempts fail. When
> this started happening I went back to the demo site since that worked in the
> morning. 

How are you trying to log in?  I had problems at first trying to log in
to get my email.  The only way I could get things to work was to enable
the "server_list" option by setting 

$conf['server']['server_list'] = true

in the imp/config/conf.php file and then by entering the details for my
e-mail account(s) in the imp/servers/servers.php file

Actually typing in the server name and port etc didn't work for no
logical reason.

the server list option is actually more appropriate for my needs though
so I didn't bother trying to get the other way to work.

> The demo site is also not working for login's (Error login failed for some
> reason) on our server but also two other servers in our domain. However I
> can log in to these servers with a Outlook Express.

This is what was happening to me until I did the above.

Good luck! :)

All the best...
