[imp] IMP 3 Authenticates, but doesn't get by Maintenance Operations

Brian Helman bhelman@salemstate.edu
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:10:11 -0500

I decided to blow away the installation and start from scratch.  We were 
experimenting with converting the 2.2 database and my have installed some 
RPM's that weren't needed and/or changed some configurations to cause the 

I am going to reinstall it today.  Hopefully, the problem won't reoccur.


At 01:28 PM 1/19/02 +0100, you wrote:
>Zitat von Brian Helman <bhelman@salemstate.edu>:
> >
> > The subject says it all.  I have installed IMP 3 on a RH 7.2 system with
> >
> > PostgreSQL.  I know it is hitting my IMAP server properly and logging in
> > (I
> > can see that at the mail server).  When I get the "Maintenance
> > Operations"
> > screen, if I click either "Perform" or "Skip" I get (after a minute or
> > so),
> > a "Page not found" error (incidentally, and this may just be a MS IE
> > thing,
> > it says "Server not found" on the title bar at the top.  But, like I
> > said,
> > I know IMP is finding the server because I am successfully authenticating
> >
> > against it.
> >
> > I have toyed around with different combinations of the folder/namespace
> > settings with no luck (I began with the settings I used for IMP 2.2.4).
> >
> > Any suggestions where to look?
>Any information in the server or imap logs?
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  Brian M Helman
  Director, Networking Services
  Salem State College

                     Voice: 978.542.7272
                       Fax: 978.542.6620
                    e-mail: bhelman@salemstate.edu
                snail-mail: 352 Lafayette St, MH207A
                            Salem, MA  01970-5353
