[imp] apache segfault in folder management - solved

Neil Haverlandt neilh@datasolv.net
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 23:04:37 -0700

I put 'Mail/' in the value to get mine to work.

Neil Haverlandt

Quoting mail@krel.org:

> I have finally figured out why I had those funny folders in "Folder List" and
> why my apache was segfaulting when I was clicking "Folder Management".
> By comparing an older cvs version files of imp to the current ones I have 
> found that the only major difference is in prefs.php.
> By trying to get rid of the "Folder Path" in login screen of IMP/Horde, I 
> changed
> // user folder path
> $_prefs['folders'] = array(
>     'value' => '',
>     'locked' => false,
>     'shared' => false,
>     'type' => 'text',
>     'desc' => _("Path to your mail folders:")
> );
> to
> // user folder path
> $_prefs['folders'] = array(
>     'value' => 'INBOX.',
>     'locked' => true,
>     'shared' => false,
>     'type' => 'text',
>     'desc' => _("Path to your mail folders:")
> );
> now i know that locked=true is enough to get rid of it. Everything is working
> fine again.
> but my question is - what should go into value ?
> PS
> i use cyrus imap
> -- 
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