[imp] IMP 3.0 can't be made as root of web server

kristinn@zoom.is kristinn@zoom.is
Mon, 04 Mar 2002 23:28:03 +0000 (GMT)

I did all this and change the 'cookie_path' => '', but still 
it dose not work when I go to https://someserver.server.com I get this:
witch just gives me "The page cannot be found" 
anyid what I need to change ?

Jason Kau <jkau@jasper.k12.ga.us>:

> I would to make IMP 3.0 the document root of our web server such that:
> http://mail.jasper.k12.ga.us
> gets you to the IMP 3.0 login screen.  I thought this was be as simple
> as 
> changing these three things:
> 1) Chaning DocumentRoot in httpd.conf to "/var/www/html/horde/imp"
> 2) Adding "Alias /horde/ /var/www/html/horde/"  in httpd.conf
> 3) Changing the webroot for IMP in horde/config/registry.php to:  
>    'webroot'   => ''
> That appears to work fine except for one thing: when someone goes to the
> Addressbook and then tries to click on the "Mail" icon/hyperlink to go
> back 
> to their current mailbox, they are dumped into the IMP login screen 
> instead! 
> The only thing that has changed is that "Mail" to longer links to 
> http://mail.jasper.k12.ga.us/horde/imp.  It now links to 
> http://mail.jasper.k12.ga.us which seems correct.
> Is there any to make IMP the document root of the web server without 
> breaking the going back and forth between Turba and IMP?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Jason Kau
> Consultant
> Jasper County Schools
> Monticello, GA
> -- 
> IMP mailing list: http://horde.org/imp/
> Archive: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=imp&r=1&w=2
> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
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>From imp.list@markchitti.com Date: Mon,  4 Mar 2002 18:25:25 -0500
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Subject: Re: [imp] libjs.so and libsalot.so not found

You should be able to find those in the rpm directory on ftp.horde.org where 
you got the other RPMs.  Can't remember the names offhand but there are two and 
they will be obvious if you scroll up your ftp window, since, like me yours 
probably scrolled them off the screen and you didn't noticed them when you 
downloaded the rest or thought they were extra apps you didn't want.

Quoting Ken Weaverling <weave@hopi.dtcc.edu>:

>> On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Robert Marchand wrote:
>> >    I have a problem updating the rpms:
>> > 
>> > # rpm -U -v php-4.1.0-0horde4.i386.rpm
>> > error: failed dependencies:
>> >         libjs.so   is needed by php-4.1.0-0horde4
>> >         libsablot.so.0   is needed by php-4.1.0-0horde4
>> I'm having the same problem installing the php-4.1 horde rpm.
>> Where do these two files come from? What package do they belong to?
>> thx
>> -- 
>> IMP mailing list: http://horde.org/imp/
>> Archive: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=imp&r=1&w=2
>> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
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